Election are coming to New Hampshire this November, who’s running? The state primary is September 13, 2022. Have you considered running?
Checkout the details at the NH Secretary of States website HERE
2022 Election Information
Information regarding the 2022 Election
Filing Period: June 1-10, 2022
- If you are not a registered voter in your town and you wish to file for office, you must register no later than May 31, 2022; or
- If you are a registered voter and wish to file for office, the last day to change your party affiliation (if necessary) is May 31, 2022.
- Supervisors of the checklist are required to be in session at least between 7 – 7:30 p.m. on May 31st. Please check locally for location of these meetings.
State Primary Election – September 13, 2022
State General Election – November 8, 2022
Running For Office
Filing for the 2022 Elections
Filing Period – June 1-10, 2022 | State Primary Election – September 13, 2022 | General Election – November 8, 2022
FOR CANDIDATES FILING DECLARATIONS OF CANDIDACY – All persons filing as a republican or democratic candidate for the State Primary Election must file a Declaration of Candidacy, a Statement of Financial Interests (RSA 15-A) and pay the administrative assessment fee OR the required Primary Petitions accompanied by an Assent to Candidacy.
The following persons must file with the Secretary of State. Filings made on the last day of the filing period MUST be IN PERSON by the candidate ((June 10, 2022 5:00 p.m.)
For GOVERNOR, the administrative assessment fee is $100 OR 200 primary petitions with an assent to candidacy.
For UNITED STATES SENATOR, the administrative assessment fee is $100 OR 200 primary petitions with an assent to candidacy.
For REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, the administrative assessment fee is $50 OR 100 primary petitions with an assent to candidacy.
For EXECUTIVE COUNCILOR, the administrative assessment fee is $25 OR 50 primary petitions with an assent to candidacy.
For STATE SENATOR, the administrative assessment fee is $10 OR 20 primary petitions with an assent to candidacy.
For COUNTY OFFICE, the administrative assessment fee is $10 OR 50 primary petitions with an assent to candidacy.
For STATE SENATOR, the administrative assessment fee is $10 OR 20 primary petitions with an assent to candidacy.
The following persons must file at the Town or City Clerk’s Office where the candidate is domiciled. Filings made on the last day of the filing period MUST be IN PERSON by the candidate (June 10, 2022 5:00 p.m.)
For REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT, the administrative assessment fee is $2 OR 5 primary petitions with an assent to candidacy.
FOR CANDIDATES FILING DECLARATIONS OF INTENT – All persons who intend to be a candidate in the General Election from a political organization, and for political organizations who wish to have the names of their candidates placed on the general election ballot must file a Declaration of Intent, a Statement of Financial Interests (RSA 15-A) and pay the administrative assessment fee AND file the required nomination papers.
The Declaration of of Intent for all offices and political organizations must file with the Secretary of State. Filings made on the last day of the filing period MUST be IN PERSON by the candidate (June 10, 2022 5:00 p.m.)
For GOVERNOR, the administrative assessment fee is $100 AND 3,000 nomination papers.*
For UNITED STATES SENATOR, the administrative assessment fee is $100 AND 3,000 nomination papers.*
For REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, the administrative assessment fee is $50 AND 1500 nomination papers from the district.
For EXECUTIVE COUNCILOR, the administrative assessment fee is $25 AND 750 nomination papers from the district.
For STATE SENATOR, the administrative assessment fee is $10 AND 750 nomination papers from the district.
For COUNTY OFFICE, the administrative assessment fee is $10 AND 150 nomination papers from the county.
For STATE REPRESENTATIVE, the administrative assessment fee is $2 AND 150 nomination papers from the district.
For POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS there is no fee. 24,435 nomination papers statewide are required.
Nomination Papers Filing Deadlines:
August 10, 2022 – Last day to submit signed nomination papers to Supervisors of the Checklist in each town or city.
August 31, 2022 5:00 p.m. – Supervisors must have nomination papers certified for candidates and organizations.
September 7, 2022 5:00 p.m. – Last day to file certified nomination papers with the Secretary of State’s office.
*1,500 from each congressional district. All nomination papers must be signed and dated in the year 2022 by registered voters from the respective district AND nomination papers must be grouped by municipality when filed with the Secretary of State’s Office.
Please contact the Secretary of State’s Office if you have any questions at 603-271-3242 or email elections@sos.nh.gov