From the Londonderry Times 10/28/2022 edition
Candidate for Londonderry State Representative
Question “How will you represent the residents of Londonderry in Concord and in Town?”
Thank you for taking the time to read this and learning about the upcoming election in November. As a current State Representative from Londonderry, I humbly ask for your continued support and vote.
I am currently serving as the Chair for the “Municipal and County Government” committee as appointed by the Speaker. As Chair, I stopped the insidious democrat initiative to interfere in local Planning Boards. They wanted to mandate that all new homes must use electric heat while prohibiting the installation of oil or gas heat.
The Committee worked closely with the House majority to lower takes even further than last year. The Rooms and Meals tax was lowered last Spring. As tourism continues to be a major source of state income, we must assure travelers to come to NH to enjoy our many resources. Interest and dividend taxes are to be eliminated.
I have been working on a parents’ Bill of Rights to give parents insight into the policies and practices in our local school districts. Specifically, we must assure parents that schools are to educate, not indoctrinate. Most teachers agree.