After the final Public Hearing and input from the public the Town Council voted 5 – 0 to support Article 5 and move it to the Deliberative Session on 2/10/2024
Article 5: [Expendable Maintenance Trust]
To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000) to be placed in the Town’s Expendable Maintenance Trust Fund for the purpose of repairing and maintaining town facilities and infrastructure and to further to authorize the use of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000) from the June 30th Unassigned Fund Balance toward this appropriation.
(If passed, this article will require the town to raise $100,000 in property taxes, resulting in a tax rate impact of $0.016 in FY 25 based upon projected assessed values.)
The Town Council by a vote of 5-0 recommends a YES vote; the Budget Committee by a vote of 7-0 recommends a YES vote.
Added Budget Committee vote recommendation