After the final Public Hearing and input from the public the Town Council voted 5 – 0 to support Article 14 and move it to the Deliberative Session on 2/10/2024.
Note the current Town Prosecutor also works for other towns. Town Council Chairman John Farrell refused to answer a residents question by simply responding ‘That’s enough, that’s good, you can be excused now we are done!’
Article 14: [Police Department – Add Additional Prosecutor]
To see if the town will vote to raise an appropriate ONE HUNDRED-SIXT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($162,000) for the purpose of adding a second full time prosecutor to assist in meeting increasing caseloads and providing better victim outreach and consultation if this article passes, this appropriation will be part of both the operating and default budget in future years.
(If passed, this article will require the town to raise $162,000 in property taxes, resulting in a tax rate impact of $0.025 in FY 25 based upon projected assessed values.)
The Town Council by a vote of 5-0 recommends a YES vote; the Budget Committee by a vote of 6-1 recommends a YES vote.
Added Budget Committee vote recommendation