After the final Public Hearing and input from the public the Town Council voted 4 – 1 to support Article 16 and move it to the Deliberative Session on 2/10/2024. Councilor Ron Dunn was opposed.
Article 16: [Pickle Ball Courts]
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate FOUR HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND ($490,000) for the design and construction of up to ten (10) public pickleball courts and further to authorize the use of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($250,000) from the June 30 Unassigned Fund Balance towards this appropriation. . This special warrant article will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until the earlier of the completion of its purpose or June 30, 2030.
(If passed, this article will require the Town to raise $240,000.00 in property taxes, resulting in a tax rate impact of $0.038 in FY 25 based upon projected assessed values.)
The Town Council by a vote of 4-1 recommends a YES vote; the Budget Committee by a vote of 4-3 recommends a YES vote.
Added Budget Committee vote recommendation
Added tax impact.