I. Call To Order
II. Administrative Board Work
A. Approval of Minutes
B. Regional Impact Determinations
C. Discussions with Town Staff
III. Old Business
A. Public hearing on an application for formal review of a site plan to construct a 58,432 square foot warehouse and storage facility and associated site improvements, 88A Harvey Road (Planeview Drive), Map 14, Lot 17, Zoned IND-II, Patriot Holdings, LLC (Applicant) and VAB Properties, LLC (Owner). Continued from January 10, 2024.
IV. New Plans/Conceptual
A.Public Hearing on a request for start of construction and site work relating to the conditionally approved site plan for 36 Industrial Drive Map 28, Lot 18-3. Gateway Business District, Scannell Properties (Applicant) and Ballinger Properties LLC and Five N Associates, G.P. (Owners).
V. Other Business
A. Southern NH Planning Commission
VI. Adjournment