TownUnderground edit: 5/4/2024 added memo from 5/3/2024
From the School District website
Dear Londonderry Parents and Community
Every five years our School District produces a Strategic Plan to map out its priorities and goals as a system. We are currently in the process of gaining feedback from multiple stakeholders and both the School Board and Superintendent would like to invite input on the upcoming Strategic Plan (2024 to 2029) re-write during our May and June School Board Meetings from parents and community members. Those dates are May 7th, May 21st, June 4th, and June 18th.
Here is a link to our current Strategic Plan:
As you glance through the document, what would be beneficial in terms of feedback would be answers to the following questions:
- What Culture and Climate Goals should we have for our Londonderry Schools?
- What Academic Goals should we have for our Londonderry Schools?
- What Operational Goals should we have for our Londonderry Schools?
If you have good insights to any or all of those areas, please come share them at anyone of the upcoming School Board meetings this Spring.
Our goal is to produce the 2024 to 2029 Strategic Plan by the late Fall of the next School Year right before the budget process begins.
Thanks for your time and efforts!
Dan Black