Is anyone else tired of the labeling? Both sides of the political aisle label the other to varying degrees. John Robinson, candidate for NH State Senate, clearly is not. If you choose not to support Robinson are you one of the ‘Crazies’? Are the ‘Crazies’ a problem in Londonderry or another parts of the sate? Has Robinson ever ‘stood up’ at a Londonderry Town Council or School Board meeting to address these individuals ? Robinson has disabled commenting for some of his Facebook posts. While labeling people as ‘Crazy’ he also deletes comments that respond to his posts. Robinson insist that we exercise reason, RESPECT, and sanity. Where is the respect by labeling residents as ‘crazies’ and not allowing anyone to respond?
Posts concerning ‘Crazies’
The response below was posted to the John Robinson for State Representative page on 10/20/2022 and submitted for print in the Londonderry Times on 10/27/2022. If elected Robinson would represent Hudson, Londonderry and Auburn as a NH State Senator.
The Londonderry Times asks, “How will I represent the residents of Londonderry in Concord and in town?”
I’ll be the person who stands up to the crazies. Lately there are lots of them, in town and statewide. They’re in school board meetings, legislative chambers, letters to editors, political campaigns– Qanoners, Oathkeepers, ultra-MAGAs, rights-revokers, “free staters,” friends of Brandon, plandemicists, anti-vaxers, anti-maskers, gaslighters, election deniers, police defunders, Tucker lovers, Tonka truck-driving flag defilers, and “very fine people on both sides.”
I’m running because our current representatives have sat silent as the crazy swelled, and that’s the worst thing they could have done. Free speech doesn’t mean leaving lies unchallenged. Leaders who try to befriend the crazies only make the crazy bolder, and that’s what our representatives’ silence has done. We hoped the madness would burn itself out after the last election, but it rages on. Now our rights and freedoms are on the ballot, so we need to stand up on November 8.
It’s time to elect servant leaders up and down the ballot who honor their offices by speaking truth to the crazies – even those ventriloquist’s puppets who tarnish their own party’s ticket. I will do that because I don’t fear losing support from the fringes or climbing political ladders. I don’t pander to Washington party bosses or some defeated former guy’s cult. I’ll defend a woman’s right to choose. I’ll defend public education. I’ll defend free and fair elections. I’ll defend all forms of diversity. I’ll work to expand affordable health care. I’ll fight for tax fairness. And I’ll stand up for all our rights – free speech, religious freedom, responsible gun ownership, and the rest – like true Republicans used to do! – by insisting that we exercise each with reason, respect, and sanity.

Robinson is doubling down on the ‘Crazies’ with another post on October 30, 2022