From the Londonderry Times 10/28/2022 edition
Candidate for Londonderry State Representative
Question “How will you represent the residents of Londonderry in Concord and in Town?”
As Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe, I said “use your intelligence guided by experience”. While my intelligence is normal, I think I have experience that would help me represent Londonderry. First, I am a senior citizen (78) and have been on the board of “Sugarplum Condo. since 2008 (president for 8 years). I am also a member of the Senior Resource Committee (4 years). We have been very active in working with the Town to find ways to improve things for seniors. We want people to safely stay In their homes and be as healthy and active as they can.
Second, I am a grandfather, and I want my grandchildren to have an education that prepares them for an increasingly dynamic and complex future. I believe our public schools are the foundation that allows everyone to reach their maximum potential. Therefore, I support innovative public education but do not support diverting taxpayer funds to private and religious schools.
I have 40 years of Federal Civil Service experience the last 20 of which were as the Resources and Management Systems Chief at the Coast Guard Research and Development Center. This involved allocating the right mix of money and staff for our portfolio of approximately 150 projects. We partnered with other agencies whenever possible to make the most of our funding and developed multiyear contracts with companies with superior technical abilities. I think my experience in getting the most for each dollar will be useful in Concord.
Finally, I was the Civilian Personnel Director Coast Guard Academy, and a personnel specialist at the VA, and Navy Offices. I have a lot of experience in getting people to work together to solve problems. In the end, I think that is the role of anyone seeking to represent Londonderry.