From the Londonderry Times 10/28/2022 edition
Candidate for Londonderry State Representative
Question “How will you represent the residents of Londonderry in Concord and in Town?”
To seriously represent the variety of viewpoints in our town, I believe it is crucial that Londonderry residents are consistently informed of the issues being debated in Concord and that you have a number of ways to share your opinions and ideas on these issues. Through out my career in public service, (US Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency) my tasks have included seeking citizen participation on nuclear waste disposal to interviewing people living near federal Superfund sites. All of these experiences have strengthened my belief in ensuring active citizen involvement in our government at all levels.
Surprisingly, there seems to be a lack of real two-way communication opportunities in Londonderry for residents to hear from and speak to their elected State Representatives. If elected, I would like to improve and open communication. I want to hear from you, on your thoughts of how to best communicate. Should your State Representatives use town social media, write a monthly article for the local newspapers, create a community advisory committee, use our local cable show to reach out? Which methods would work best for you, to learn about Concord happenings and provide your input?
I will attend town council, school board meetings, read town social media websites and local and state newspapers. However, in order to directly learn your opinions and specific ideas on both Londonderry and State wide issues, I would also like to suggest establishing public “Listening Sessions” on a quarterly basis. These sessions would be held in a public location, include a State House informational update and could be either issue specific or cover a selection of topics. If we need additional sessions, we could always arrange these too. I would like to hear your ideas and suggestions either in person or email ( Thank you for your time!