From the Londonderry Times 10/28/2022 edition
Candidate for Londonderry State Representative
Question “How will you represent the residents of Londonderry in Concord and in Town?”
My principles have guided me during my four terms as state representative and I believe my voting record has sided very favorably with the majority of the voters in town. I’m proud to have served Londonderry by voting against statewide income and sales taxes, government overreach, gun-grab bills, and more. I’ve proudly supported school choice, parental rights in schools, home school improvements, protecting the 2nd Amendment, PFAS water bills, election integrity reform, reducing business taxes, no-mask mandates, banning terminations after the 24th week, ways to mitigate energy costs as Vice-Chair of the Science, Technology and Energy Committee, and much more. In these ways, I believe I’ve represented the voters in Concord to ensure that I do not vote for legislation contrary to the needs of our residents.
Town government is different from state government. Just as town council members are elected to represent and govern town related issues, state representatives are elected to represent the district at the state level. I attend most Town Councils to learn what is important to Londonderry in order to assess bills coming before the state and at times have addressed the council. I’ve recently suggested to the Town Manager that perhaps a periodic agenda item be placed on Town Council for State Representatives to report on Concord legislation.
For four terms I have provided my email address and phone number for anyone wanting to contact me with a specific concern and have met with those who requested. This door will continue to be available. If I do not know the answer, I will find out or provide information for the agency or committee member best able to answer it.