Town Manager Imposes Indefinite Spending Freeze
Londonderry Times April 9, 2015 by Kaitlyn G Woods
Town Manager Kevin Smith informed town staff last week he is implementing a spending freeze on all discretionary spending.
The Town expended about 2 percent more of the budget by March 31 than Smith said he would generally like to see, and the spending freeze will remain in place until he sees spending more in line, under the expenditure level.
“Areas of overage are in legal bills, which historically have been on the high end for the last few years due to a number of issues we have had to use the Town Attorney for,” Smith told the Town Council at their April 6 meeting. “The Fire Department has over the last few years been running over. The number is trending right where it should be for the end of March, but due to a number of injuries and long-term illnesses the department is experiencing, we expect the department to be trending up at the end of the Fiscal Year.”
The Town’s Legal Expenses line was budgeted $174,500; as of March 31, the Town had expended $174,877 of the legal budget, or 100.2 percent.
Other overspent line items include the Town Council’s Miscellaneous Expenditures line; overtime and printing budgeted under the Zoning Board; and repairs and maintenance under General Government, which are overspent by $38,000.
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