The Town Council discussed Warrant Article 17, an article that passed with a vote of 2686 for and 1430 against the article on March 12,2024.
We thought it important to solicit feedback from the residents as to why these citizens petitions were put forward and why they are a good idea
Chairman Chad Franz
Discussion on Petitioned Warrant Article #17: [AMEND LONDONDERRY MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE V – ADMINISTRATIVE CODE CHAPTER III SECTION I.A.] (Chairman, Chad Franz)
Shall the Town vote to amend the Londonderry Municipal Code Title V — Administrative Code Chapter III Section I. A. to include the Planning Board as elected positions? This would move the Planning Board from being appointed by the Londonderry Town Council to being elected by the citizens of Londonderry. This article is advisory only and will not result in the Planning Board being elected. (BY CITIZENS’ PETITION).
All members of the public who spoke were neutral or in favor of the article. No residents spoke against the article.
I have yet to hear anyone tell us why this is a good idea, we have been doing it the same way for 30 years…..certainly we can can continue to look at it, but the way it’s stated, it doesn’t tell people why it’s a good idea
Town Councilor John Farrell
The Town Council did not indicate when, or if, they would look into the details of amending the municipal code as requested by the voters of Londonderry.
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