The Londonderry Police Department announced a new service for Londonderry Residents. The new service is some sort of community notification system. The announcement was sent out thru the School District email list.
Dear Parents and Families,
The Londonderry Police Department has asked us to forward along the information below regarding Nixle, a free community service system.Sincerely,
Nathan Greenberg,
Superintendent of Schools
From the Londonderry Police Department:
What is Nixle and why is it so important?
The Londonderry Police Department has created an account with a new community service system called Nixle to help notify residents about any up-to-the-minute alerts, advisories, or other important community-related information.
The LPD is encouraging all residents who have cell phones and/or internet access to sign up for this FREE service.
Simply visit:
Registering with Nixle enables residents to receive official community safety messages and other information from the police department. Examples of information delivered through this service in a specific location may include notifications from the Londonderry Police Department regarding neighborhood public safety issues, traffic issues, or even information about last minute cancellations of municipal events.
NOTE: This service is free to the Londonderry Police Department and the residents of Londonderry. However, if residents sign up to receive their information via text message, then text message rates will apply. (Alternatively, residents have the option of viewing free updates online-only at
Please sign up for important Londonderry Police Department communications with Nixle.
I signed up for the Nixle service, there only seems to be one notification, which was an announcement of the new Service sent out on Monday. More to come on this new service.