The Planning Board Posted a Public Hearing on the following item:
Public hearing solely to determine completeness of a continued application for formal review of a lot line adjustment to adjust the lot line between two parcels. 37 Stonehenge Road (Map 12, Lot 124-13) and 41 Stonehenge Road (Map 12, Lot 123). Zoned AR-1 (Agricultural Residential). Thomas J. Censabella and Shawna Denn (Owners) and Promised Land Survey, LLC (Applicant).
The board opened the meeting and immediately took a vote to accept the plans as complete. Resident Richard Bielinski asked to speak. The chair stated that he was going to ask for a continuance of the public hearing to 8/7/2024 meeting, but would allow public comment. Bielinski stated that in his opinion the meeting was not properly noticed and was an illegal meeting. Town Manager Michael Malaguti responded that the meeting was posted in the Union Leader and he personally delivered notices to all abutters and noted in an ‘ideal world’ they would give 10 days notice. Malaguti also stated the meeting needed to be held prior to 8/7/2024 to meet New Hampshire statutory requirements, since the public hearing was continued on 7/10/2024.
The board voted to continue the public hearing to 8/7/2024 at which time they will allow public comment.
The public hearing was continued on 7/10/2024 against planning staff’s recommendations.
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