The Town Council is holding another special meeting, that was NOT earlier on the radar. The meeting posted does NOT have a public comment period.
Londonderry Town Council Special Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
Moose Hill Council Chambers
1. Approval of Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with the AFSCME Local 1801
(Liz Bailey, Sheehan Phinney, Town Attorney and Justin Campo, Finance Director)
2. Approval of Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME Council 93 Unit B – Londonderry Administrative Employees Association (L.A.E.A.) Town Administrative Personnel (T.A.P.)
(Liz Bailey, Sheehan Phinney, Town Attorney and Justin Campo, Finance Director)
3. Approval of Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Londonderry Association of Police Supervisors (L.A.P.S.)
(Liz Bailey, Sheehan Phinney, Town Attorney and Justin Campo, Finance Director)
4. Approval of Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with Londonderry Executive Employees Association (L.E.E.A.)
(Liz Bailey, Sheehan Phinney, Town Attorney and Justin Campo, Finance Director)
5. Approval of Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME Council 93 – Londonderry Administrative Employees Association (L.A.E.A.) Public Safety
(Liz Bailey, Sheehan Phinney, Town Attorney and Justin Campo, Finance Director)
- January 20, 2025; Moose Hill Council Chambers; 7:00 p.m.
- February 3, 2025; Moose Hill Council Chambers; 7:00 p.m.
- February 8, 2025; Londonderry High School Café; 9:00 a.m. (Deliberative Session)
In addition to the items listed on the agenda the Town Council may consider other matters not on the posted agenda and may enter a non-public session or convene in a non-meeting in accordance with RSA 91-A if the need arises.